The Program

The research activities associated with the Postgraduate Program in Biomedical Engineering (PPGEB) began effectively in 1997 with the creation of the first Biomedical Engineering Laboratory (Biolab), then coordinated by Prof. Alcimar Barbosa Soares. Biolab quickly began to accommodate undergraduate and postgraduate students, and the first two related master's defenses occurred already in 2000: "Methodology for Classification of EMG Signals in the control of artificial limbs", Adriano de Oliveira Andrade; "A Computational Tool to Support Ergonomics Diagnostics", Cláudia de Souza Felipe Spirandelli. The postgraduate studies in Biomedical Engineering at the Federal University of Uberlândia were established at that time as a research line of the Postgraduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEELT) of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEELT).
Over time, new research has been developed in partnership with other researchers of FEELT, other UFU units and international institutions such as the University of Edinburgh (UK), University of Reading (UK), University of Ulm (Germany), Université Paul Verlaine Metz (France) and University of New Brunswick (Canada).
Since 2000, other researchers have carried out research in Biomedical Engineering, adding knowledge in the areas of Computer Engineering (Software Engineering, Computer Graphics, Human Computer Interfaces), Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. From 2003 to 2009 the team was strengthened with the arrival of new researchers and professors to attend the undergraduate course in Biomedical Engineering at UFU, which began in 2006. The performance of this group in the area of Biomedical Engineering, and its intense academic and scientific production, culminated in the proposal to create the Posgraduate Program in Biomedical Engineering in 2012. Also this year it was created The Center for Innovation and Technological Evaluation in Health (NIATS). In 2014, the Assistive Technology Center (NTA) was created. From 2015 researchers in the area of Medical Physics were associated with PPGEB, expanding and reinforcing the research conducted in the Program. In 2019, PPGEB started offering a doctorate course and in 2020 researchers working in the area of health and technology joined the Program.
In March 2015, the first master's defense of the PPGEB took place. The student Rogério Anastácio, supervised by Prof. Ana Claudia Patrocinio, defended the dissertation "Segmentation and automatic volume of the liver from tomographic images". In January 2024, the first PPGEB doctoral defense took place. The student Luanne Cardoso Mendes, supervised by Prof. Adriano de Oliveira Andrade, defended the thesis "Design and validation of a serious game for rehabilitation and monitoring of individuals with Parkinson's disease". This doctoral thesis was also marked by the double degree, obtained in partnership with the University of Lorraine (France). The student Luanne did her cotutelle doctorate and was supervised by Prof. Yann Morère at the French institution.
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